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Parallels Desktop Macbook 12

Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac 12.1.3 (41532) for Parallels Desktop addresses overall stability and performance issues, and includes the following fixes and improvements: Resolves an issue with request to enter Mac administrator password on every Parallels Desktop start.

Parallels Desktop® for Mac is the fastest, easiest, and most powerful application for running Windows® on a Mac®—without rebooting. Brought to you by the world-class developers of the #1-rated Mac virtualization software. Note: Existing Parallels Desktop® for Mac users are not recommended to move to Parallels Desktop App Store Edition. I was previously using Parallels 12 on my old MacBook Pro retina 2012 15' model and the performance was quite good in Windows 10 (for example scrolling, dragging etc was super smooth.). I gave 4 cores and 4gb ram to the VM (out of the 8 cores and 8gb ram). I recently purchased the 2016 model 15' MacBook Pro Touch Bar.

Whether you need more storage space on your Mac or want to uninstall Parallels from Mac, you will surely like this guide. Here, we share two different ways to remove Parallels safely from Mac.

One is a manual method, and the other will be automatic.

For the automatic method, we will use the Uninstaller module provided by TuneUpMyMac.

What is TuneUpMyMac

As the name explains this software is the best Mac optimizer to tune your Mac. It intelligently and effectively clears unwanted data like – junk files, system cache, duplicates, old downloads, etc. All these files not only clutter Mac but also slows down system performance. Therefore, to keep your Mac optimized Systweak designed TuneUpMyMac. This tool not only does take care of unwanted stuff but also deletes sensitive stuff securely.

Anyone running macOS 10.7 and higher can use it easily without any training.

To know more about this fantastic mac cleaner, click here to read a detailed review.


Now that we know what is TuneUpMyMac and how it helps let’s learn how to uninstall Parallels Desktop on Mac.


Before that, what is Parallels?

What is Parallels?

Parallels Desktop for Mac is virtualization software that helps run different operating systems like Windows, Linux on Mac. This app makes integrating Windows into Mac easy. Once you have it, you can use Windows and Mac side by side.

But say if you would want to uninstall Parallels on Mac then? We’ve got it covered. Here we discuss how to delete Parallels on Mac.

Manual way to uninstall Parallels Desktop

Parallels Desktop from Mac can be uninstalled in several ways. Here we discuss the workable fixes.

There’s a possibility that some processes corresponding to Parallels might still be running in the background. Therefore, before deleting Parallels, we need to make sure processes related to Parallels are not running. For this, we will use Activity Monitor

To access it and kill all Parallel related tasks follow the steps below:

  • Open Finder
  • Click Finder bar > Go > Utilities
  • Select Activity Monitor and double click it.
  • Now look for the processes related to
  • If you find any select them one by one and click Quit > Force Quit
  • Now that you have closed all the running processes. Head to the Applications folder
  • Look for Parallels > right-click > Move to Trash
  • Empty it and restart Mac.

This is how you can uninstall Parallels.

Additional Tip

Using the manual ways you cannot remove all related files. Therefore to remove all related files and free your Mac from app leftover clutter you need a tool that knows exactly where to look for these files. For this we suggest using Uninstaller module of TuneUpMyMac.

Manual Ways to Remove Parallels Desktop

Note: Before using any step, make sure Parallels Desktop is not running in the background. Software para archivos pdf. To close it go to Actions toolbar > Shut Down. Next click Parallels icon > Quit Parallels Desktop.

  1. Open Finder and click the Go menu
  2. Select Go to Folder.
  3. Here, paste the following paths one by one and hit Go.

/Library/Application Support

  1. Once the window for each path opens, look for items related to Parallels.
  2. Select them > right-click > Move to

Parallels Desktop Macbook 12 Keyboard Cover

Note: When removing files from the Library be cautious. If you are not sure about a file, don’t remove it as you might delete important files.

That’s it you have now completely uninstalled Parallels from your Mac.

Macbook pro usb not working. Indeed, the manual way is a bit time consuming and lengthy. Therefore, to make things easy, we suggest using a dedicated tool that helps remove Parallels along with its traces.

Automatic Way to delete Parallels Desktop from Mac using TuneUpMyMac

I loved using TuneUpMyMac for this job. This mac cleaner is easy to use, and it offers several features.

Here’s how to use its Uninstaller tool:

Parallels Desktop 12 Crack

1. Download and launch< TuneUpMyMac

2. Click Uninstaller module> Scan Now

Parallels Desktop For Mac Pro

3. Let the scan finish. Once done you will see Parallels Desktop

4. Toast software for windows. Select the Parallels Desktop.


5. Press the Uninstall button. That’s all!

In addition to this, to ensure no-cache or temporary files are left behind, consider using the System and Log Cleaner module along with One-click Cleaning. This will help remove all unwanted traces that take unnecessary space and slows down your Mac.

Parallels Desktop Macbook 12 Specs

This is all, using these simple steps you can uninstall Parallels. Moreover, once you use TuneUpMyMac uninstaller app for Mac, you will be able to identify all the files that hog valuable disk space. Before deleting any items, the tool asks for confirmation. This helps keep a check on what things you are removing.

We hope you find our article helpful. Please mention your comments in the section

Parallels Desktop Macbook 12
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